Saturday, March 22, 2008

My Public Service Announcement... Identity Theft is For Real... Protect Yourself!

"Pennsylvania Pulls Plug On Voter Site After Personal Data Leak
Pennsylvania was forced to pull the plug on a voter registration Web site after it was found to be leaking private information about voters in the state. The security breach occurred with the presidential primary for that state a mere month away.

The shut down resulted from an improperly designed online voter registration form that was initially intended to simplify the process of registering to vote. Potential voters were allowed to input their information onto the Web site, after which they would have a printable receipt that they could mail to state election officials. Unfortunately, a design error allowed anyone to view the forms online. The forms contained personal information such as name, address, political party affiliation and driver's license number.

After learning about the security holes, Pennsylvania's Department of State immediately shut down the Web site.

Department of State spokeswoman Leslie Amoros assured the public with the following e-mail statement:

'The Department is reviewing the facts to determine how this information became available.' she said. 'We are also taking all necessary steps to co! rrect th e situation and are implementing processes aimed to prevent future occurrences.'

This situation has done little to boost confidence in the security of online registration, with many already choosing not to relinquish personal information of any kind for precisely this reason.

From InfoWorld"

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1 comment:

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