Sunday, March 30, 2008

Does Pontiac REALLY REALLY THINK this thing will Sell? Can you say Chevy SSR without the Drop Top... Or Better Yet Subaru Baja!!!

Pontiac G8 Sport Truck
Again with musical accompaniment from the Young Lords, Maximum Bob Lutz heralded the return of the El Camino Pontiac G8 Sport Truck to the U.S. market for the first time in over two decades. Joining Lutz to make the sales case for how wonderful the new G8 ST was Fifty Cent who the company claims is a loyal Pontiac owner.

The platform is a longer wheelbase version of the one under the G8 sedan, and the suspension remains all-independent, although the rear end has been beefed up to provide some load carrying and towing capacity.

* Courtesy MSN Autos and Auto Blog

Ok here is my opinion... Does anyone really listen to customers, or is it just a few who just speak loadly, or do auto exec's just have pet projects that they want to hang there hat on. While the Pontiac G8 Sport Truck is nifty and quick and will certainly get certain gear heads going, harkening back to the good 'ol days of the 60 and 70's...

No One Is Going To Buy This Vehicle, not in todays market anyway. The Pontiac exec's will tell you, that this is a niche vehicle that is designed to get attention to the brand, however they should be focused on getting attention to there bottom line and the dealers bottom line. This vehicle is doomed before it even gets started... Oh and too bad because it does impress...

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