Friday, December 19, 2008

Think Automotive Has Halted Production As They Seek Capital... Could They Be In Trouble Without The Norwegian Government's Assistance...


Think Global a Norwegian automotive company who was looking to begin selling vehicles in the United States in 2009-2010 has halted production as announced by CEO Richard Canny. Richard Canny has described the company as in "urgent financial distress". The announcement has set back the company which is considering bankruptcy if the Norwegian government does not step up to assist the ailing company.
The Think City all electric plug in type vehicle has long been anticipated and was in production when the decision to stop production lines was made recently. The company has been hit hard by the world economic crisis and it's supplier's have been increasingly been more demanding and the company has found it difficult to meet short term working capital demands.
A series of press conferences have been lined up to discuss the companies future, I will keep you posted as I have been anticipating this vehicle for quite some time now.
Enjoy Today!
That Car Guy

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